My story

Hi, I’m Rosie Freiha, founder of Living Rosy and a mentor to over 10,000 women across the world ready to start a Freedom Business online.

I started my career in finance, working 12 or 14 hours a day. I hated the lifestyle, the office politics, the stress, the aggression, but I was stuck - I lived in expensive London, and there was no way pay my rent without a good salary to support me.

I ended up burning out...

Luckily, as I searched for alternatives, I stumbled into the world of online business, and I was hooked immediately. I knew that this was my ticket to freedom. Little by little, I edged into my first online business, packaging up my knowledge of stress management to help other burnt out corporate women. 

I tried to DIY my business alongside my day job at first...

For 6 months I hustled a lot but nothing happened, because I didn’t know what to prioritise and I didn’t have a proper marketing strategy in place. 

Once I bit the bullet and hired a mentor to help me, my mentor helped me put all the pieces in place, and see the potential of my business in a new light...

I started taking course after course and coaching programme after coaching programme to learn everything I could. As my stress management business grew, my clients starting asking me about how I run my business. I then realised I had learned so much about online business setup and marketing, I could now help other women break free from the corporate world and live a better, calmer lifestyle in the process. 

Just 8 months into working with a mentor, my business replaced my previous salary...

Within 18 months, my business was generating six figures annually...

Most excitingly, after two years, my business had grown enough that my husband could leave his job too and co-run Living Rosy with me. Since we can work from anywhere, we moved to the sun and currently have a beautiful apartment overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. 

We love to travel so we move around as much as we can - to Argentina, New Zealand, California, Paris and Morocco to name just a few of the trips we’ve taken since I started my Freedom Business.

As I’ve grown my business over the last few years, I’ve been so lucky to interact with more than 10,000 women in my online community, following me on social media, and in my paid programmes. I’ve worked with nearly 100 women through my various programmes to help them become Freedom Entrepreneurs as well.

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